Monday, December 31, 2007

Last blog of the year

Can we get a Hallelujah, mere hours until the year is done and over with. I have to admit, I am not sad to see it go. I am very happy that Christmas is over and done with. I find myself becoming more of a Grinch each year. If it weren't for kids, I wouldn't even bother putting a tree up. I am having tons of fun with my presants though. I got a 30 gb Zune. It is great. I also got a keyboard to play music on. LOVE IT!
Bad news for all the people that have been crossing fingers and praying for us. This month is not the month. My little friend came. So in a few more days I go back on Clomid and we start all over again. I am very happy to know that the Clomid is actually doing what it is suppose to. The whole month I have been sitting here worrying that it isn't working. Now I know. So please do keep your fingers crossed and prayers going. I greatly thank you. I am none to excited about starting this again though. The effects of it last all month, and it is greatly worse while on the medication. It really is quiet horrible. But what can you do, besides not take it and not get pregnant?
I have found a new stand up comic who is soooooo great. His name is Jeff Dunham and he is a Ventriloquist. Not only is he be best I have ever seen but he does more than I have ever seen. He has heck knows how many dolls, but he typically uses 5 in each show. I watched one of his shows the other day for the first time, and I was about 2 seconds away from peeing my pants! But a word to the wise, this is not for the faint of ears to listen to. There is quite a bit of bad words in there!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

One more year almost down

I am so excited. One of the last birthdays of the year is done and over. Only one more to go. I am almost done with all my Christmas shopping. I only have ONE more thing to buy. I can't believe how happy that makes me. Every time I have had to go anywhere to pick something up it makes me almost want to go into the mountains of Tibet and find a cave where no one will ever find me again. Seems much more safe that way to me! I can't believe another year is almost here. It is amazing how fast time is flying. When Mark and I first got together Jacob was 2 1/2- 3 years old, now he is eight. Growing like a weed and not far from out growing me. So painful to see. Not in a bad way either. I have come to realize one of the problems with Americans. We never slow down enough to enjoy the good things in life anymore. Everything is rushed, have to have a full schedule, have to have our kids in 50 different things so they barely have time to do their homework let alone have enough space in their heads to remember it. We feel we have so much to do when we really don't. Heaven forbid we be burdened by the very things that we gave life to. Much easier to sit them in front of a tv, with a remote in their hands playing highly inappropriate games that they shouldn't be playing let alone watching. We take everything for granted. We work more than anyone else in the world, and we value stuff over anything else. How can so much stuff make so many people seem so happy. What a load of crap. Everything we value is the total opposite of what we should be valuing. Look at drivers. Everyone on the road is either reading, talking, texting, or looking up something on their computers. They think they have to speed, cut people off, tailgate and just plan be rude. Do people not know that in a 60 mile drive, if you are going 5 miles over the speed limit you will get to your destination 3 minutes early? 3 minutes that is it. Why don't people get off their rear ends and leave 5 minutes early instead of what they do? People just think they are more important than everyone else and their for their actions are justified. No ones actions are justified because of that excuse. It is so silly. People need to stop being so self absorbed and realize that their are other people out there, doing the same as you, trying to get to work, to get to the doctor, airport, mall, whatever and everyone wants to get their in one piece along with their car in tact. If I didn't want to be around my family so darn much, I would so move somewhere small, and I mean small!!!!!! No traffic, no shopping malls, NO RUDENESS! It is no wonder so many people suffer from hyperactivity, and depression. Because the way they lead their life is depressing, why shouldn't they be depressed, and they have to be hyper to get through a day of the crap we are expected to accomplish just to impress our peers.
Well now that I am done ranting, I just wanted to say that I am so very excited that I have all but one thing on my list to buy, and that another year is almost gone and done with. That isn't as negative as it sounds either. I just couldn't find a better, happier way to put it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Been so long

I know it has been so long. I only have excuses for it, and hey to me they are great! Well to start, Jacob lost his second front tooth. So now he is front toothless. So cute. His birthday party is coming up and he is so excited about it.
I have finally started my Christmas shopping. Why I wait so long is beyond me. I could have had this done at the beginning of the year for heaven sakes. I have Mark pretty much done. Memory's is in the process, ha Mem don't you want to know? Mark is making Evan's. I think my goal for next year is to get my Christmas shopping done by June or July! It is completely nuts out there!
For all those who don't know, I got a new doctor, an obgyn. He is so nice. Here I was expecting this little Asian guy because his name is Anton. For some reason it stuck in my mind of Memory's neighbor boy Anton. Such a cutie too. Boy was I wrong. I of course had to ask my nurse if he was nice and her response was "well I have known him since before my kids were born and he delivered all my kids and my youngest is your age." Wow that was helpful. So he put me on Prometrium to force my "little friend". Not that they guys reading this really want to hear that but to darn bad. After I start my "little friend" I get to start Clomid. Now I got these prescriptions filled the day before Thanksgiving. Total mistake. It was a 4 hour wait. So of course they were just so busy I didn't want to waste the Pharmacists time explaining anything to me so figured I would just go home and read the little pamphlet they put in there. Mark of course laughed at me because I do this with any medication I take because I want to know what to expect or what can happen that is really bad. So I read it, no big deal. Basically can have pain in the abdomen, dizziness, throwing up and change of eye sight. No big deal right! WRONG! Just like the provera I took last time I had to force my "little friend" I am horribly sick, I have horrible cramps (nothing I am not us to) and I am oh so dizzy. Since starting this, I have cut myself because I got so dizzy while I was standing in the kitchen cutting something up. I have run into to many walls to count and at the moment am sporting a very nice lump on my head, and darn near fell down the stairs going to the basement. So stairs, and knives or anything sharp is totally out of the question for me to use along with driving a car. The other day it was messing with my eye sight so badly that I had to wear Mark's glasses to see anything. Now if you all know my husband he has HORRIBLE eye sight. So for me to see clearly out of his glasses is pretty bad since I have perfect vision. So after all of this I have 4 months to get pregnant or my non Asian ob Dr. will be sending me to a more specialized specialist. So cross your fingers, toes and eyes. maybe put your hair in some braids, that might help to, because that is a lot of crossing.
Last week in the Target add was a Electric Roaster for 23 dollars. Great deal so I decided to get it. Best choice I ever made. I cooked my turkey yesterday for our little get together and not only was the bird so good and juicy, but it doesn't take as long to cook as it does in the oven. I think the from start to finish which includes warm up was 2 1/2 hours for a 15 pound turkey. So next year my dear family I am so doing the turkey!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Odd stuff

I have been sitting here cross stitching thinking about some odd things that I have missed. I never knew that I could miss having a mail box at the end of the sidewalk. Is that just weird? I don't like these medal boxes that have half the neighborhoods mail boxes in them. Granted we don't have that here, we have the nice convenience of having our mail on our living room floor. None the less I really miss walking out to the mailbox. Strange! I doubt mom and dad miss having to replace the darn things though. I can't even remember how many times it got ripped off or bashed in. Sad that our society has come to that and much worse now. Brandon might remember this the most, I remember taking a round tin and putting a whole bunch of stuff in it, stuff I can't even remember anymore and we buried it in our back yard. I don't even remember how long it was before we dug it back up again but I remember we couldn't get it open because it had rusted shut. Lets see what else. Oh going in the Killians wagon to their house in Yucipa. They had that wagon that you sad backwards so you can see out the bad. Waving to people and than going down and up that huge hill that would make your stomach float. Mrs. Killian use to gain so much speed before that hill just to make it a little more fun for us. Man I miss them! We use to have to much fun. Their dog us to have that extremely hard tail that we would throw snow balls at because it was like a baseball bat. Remembering all this stuff just makes me so sad that I don't get to spend more time with my niece and nephews. I guess that is partly my fault. I feel like I miss out on so much of their lives. It give my heart and ache to have to see them leave or when I have to leave them after seeing them.
Anyway before I cry more, we finally figured out what is wrong with my brakes. There is a little thingy in the brake lines on the back brakes that makes it so the back brakes don't lock up with hard braking. Well both of them are leaking. Go figure. So I have to order those tomorrow since I was on the phone with Maytag for about 2 hours today and it irritated me to no end, I totally forgot to order them today. So my car should be up and running in a few weeks hopefully!
I picked up color samples for the color of the kitchen and bathroom. I for some reason have an itch to have a purple room. No the kitchen is not going to be purple. The kitchen is going to be yellow, and the bathroom is going to be purple. I just can't figure out what shade of either one I want. I couldn't believe how many different shades there were in each color. Makes the decision all that much harder. Where have the days gone when it was easy to make a decision on this kind of thing. Why do there have to be so many choices. Oh well. So what do you guys think. Should I go with a darker purple, medium purple or a light purple for the bathroom? And what shade for the kitchen? Of course the kitchen will not be done until it is remodeled, and that is depending on if we get the home equity loan that we applied for, which we should be hearing back about any day now.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oh this is to exciting for me. When Jacob lost his first tooth he was with us. I had talked him into letting me tie something around his tooth to tie it to a door knob to yank it out. I know what some of you guys are thinking. Oh dear she is just like grandpa. YEP! So we got the string tied around the tooth and he just gave it 3 little light tugs to make sure it wasn't going to hurt and it popped out by itself. Totally bummed me out because I wanted to warp someone like Grandpa had warped me. Well this last weekend that he was here one of his front teeth was really really loose. So I talked him into just letting me wiggle it and I grabbed a hold of it and just yanked it out. It was SOOOO EXCITING! So now our little guy has one front tooth gone and the other is loose as well. So I am hoping that this next weekend that he is here it will be loose enough to yank out again.

Well we got the new window in. We started with the bathroom window just so we would know how hard it would be and all that good stuff. It was pretty darn easy! So it is in and done. That is also so exciting. Now we just have to do the rest of them. Not so exciting to do them all but what are you going to do?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Finally finished

We are finally done. The fireplace that we have been working on for ever is complete. I can't tell you how excited I was. Now our living room doesn't look like is half finished. It is so great.

Mark is very excited, he is building a boat. He has been working on it most chances he can get inbetween my car and a few other things. Sunday while he was working on it I was at the back of the house working on window sills. He comes over and tells me that I need to come look in the garage. He is all upset and I can't even imagine what happened. I thought he totally goofed up on something he was cutting for the boat, because he was at the time using the table saw. So I go in there and I'm looking around not seeing anything. Till he points it out. On the back wall of the garage is a long piece of wood sticking out of the wall. I was shocked and outrageously thankful that he didn't get hurt. I guess when he was cutting a piece of wood, he had a throwback. Basically the blade catches hold of what you are cutting and sends it shooting backward. Now to give you an idea of how dangerous this is and how fast it goes, this piece of wood went through 2 sheets of sheetrock and two layers of plaster. Anyone how has tried to put something into a wall made out of plaster knows it is hard stuff. It finally stoped on the outside of our bedroom wall. Didn't make it through to our bedroom. Now the silly man isn't upset at the thought that he could have gotten hurt, or about having to patch up the wall. Oh no, he is upset because the piece of wood went through his Volkswagen picture. Of all things to be upset about he is upset that it went through a picture. I took pictures so you will see. Talk about scary though.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Camping weekend

So my boys went camping this weekend. Mark drove all the way up to Aberdeen, Washington to pick Jacob up from school. Boy was he excited. They went down to the Nehalem River for the camping. Jacob caught his first keeper fish. A rainbow trout. He of course wanted to keep it and take it home for it to be a pet! Cute huh? Mark had to explain to him the cycle of life and how he either had to throw it back or eat it. So he decided he wanted to eat it.... but he didn't like it. Can't blame him as I don't like trout either. So Mark eat most of it and threw the rest with the guts back into the river. I guess when Mark was gutting it Jacob went kind of white and said that was gross enough to make him throw up. But he didn't! I am glad they had a good time.
I got a nice quiet weekend, mostly. I got the cleaver idea that I wanted bangs.... so I cut me some bangs. WOOHOO, no more curly Q's as Mark likes to call them. Of course I went to go straighten them out with the big fat curling iron Danica gave me years ago and what do I do? BURN myself!!! Now I have this huge burn mark on my forehead. Of course that was the first thing Mark noticed when he got home after dropping Jacob off, was the burn not the bangs. I had to tell him that I had them before he even realized it. What a goof.
Tomorrow granted that I can get myself in gear I get the pleasure of going down to the DMV to get new tags, and to change my name on my title. OOOPS Yes I still have yet to do that even though it has been over a year since I changed my name. What can I say. I just hope they don't realize it!
Today I finally finished our mantel. Now today was the 3rd time I have had to sand this thing down! The first was because Mark didn't sand it enough so there was still paint in the grain. So I had to sand the whole thing. Then he fills in the wholes for the nails with wood filler stuff that is stainable. Well you aren't suppose to get it on the surface of the wood. He didn't read that. So where it soaked into the surface it left this big light spot when he stained it again. So yet again I have to sand it. This time it was only the sides and the bottom as there are no nails in the top. So I did that today. STUPID! It was so hot here I was sweating like a pig, and what do you get when you are sticky from sweating and you have sawdust flying everywhere? You get a person who looks like they were tared and than had sawdust dumped on them. It was gross. None the less I got it done, and I even stained it so it would be ready to put the poly coat over it in a few days. So oh my goodness after nearly 2 years of having the fireplace ripped apart and sitting there waiting to get done... it is almost there!!!!! So memory when you say that it takes Michael so long to do projects after starting them.... well there you go you aren't the only one that deals with that kind of thing. Most of our projects take forever. Heck we haven't even finished the patio yet... and that was 3 1/2 years ago. So sad. But I feel better now that it is almost done and that I won't have to worry about it anymore. Than we are going to have to have family dinner over here so everyone can see it since mostly nobody has.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Little bit of advice

My advice for the day is: Make sure you know what you are getting into. :) So we had people from Penguin windows come out and give a great spiel. We really liked their windows so we figured we would get them. Fortunately you have 3 business days to back out of the deal. Which of course we had to do because Mark realized that he didn't want to pay that much for them and that we can order ones almost as good and do it ourselves. That I am not much looking forward to! So we figured out, before Penguin windows came along, that we were going to take out a home equity loan so we can do the windows, siding, and the kitchen. Have it all done and not have to worry about it. Than we had the spiel with Penguin windows. Now mind you we were going to take out about 10 grand for all this. Well we wouldn't have been able to do anything but the windows if we did this because it was WELL over 10 grand. So now we are back to doing everything and doing it ourselves. Still not looking forward to that, but it would be nice to have everything done instead of paying for the next 10 years for windows. So make sure you look at different options before you make up your mind. It is never a bad idea to take the time out to compare to ALL of the competition.
The start of my school year has been very peaceful. I have finally gotten back to my cross stitching. I haven't worked on that in months. Feels good to get to it. All is well with us, both of us are doing good. Can't complain at the moment.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Meet thy doom

Let me tell you, today was the most hideous way to spend our last full day with Jacob. It was the most awful thing to experience. I spent most of the day crying because of it, so of course I have a gigantic headache. I just don't know what to do anymore. I couldn't believe the horrible stuff that came out of that kids mouth. I was totally appalled and horrified. This kid needs some serious help and everyone around him ignores that. Every time I bring it up everyone gets all defensive and cranky so that is the end of that topic. I don't know how to go about this anymore.
Last Friday we took the kids to a place called Discovery Village. It is so fun! It is a little science museum place. I think the kids would really like it. They took 4 old houses in Salem and fixed them up and put the displays in the houses. There is also a HUGE play structure. This thing is so massive! I think people should bring their kids here and let me take them there.
Mark's step mom Carol has cervical cancer. It thankfully is only in the first stage so they caught it wayyyyyyy early. She is going in on Tuesday to have it all taken out. His dad is a hole other story. That poor man. They are pretty sure that his walking and speech has something to do with a toxin. So they have done blood work, mri's all sorts of things and they can't find anything. The other day they did a spinal tap to check the fluid because there are some toxin's that aren't detected in anything but the spinal fluid. It just breaks my heart to see him going through this. He is on muscle relaxers that do little to nothing but he can barley walk without them. So we are all hoping that they find something this time and that it can be taken care of before anything gets worse. Also that everything is reversible.
Well we are taking Jacob back tomorrow for the school year. It so does not seem like it has been a whole summer yet. I just can't believe it. Shocking. So I got to get in bed and get some sleep because we have to leave early in the morning to drop him off and all that fun stuff.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

pictures from vacation

Ok, so I got the pictures on the computer. Now because there are so many I of course can't put them all on, but there are a lot of them that I would like to share. So over the next few days I will add them so they aren't all at once.
The White Bangel tiger was just so cute scratching his log, made me think of my kitty. The one next to the tiger is a Apricot Skunk. Very rare I guess. Popular belief is that they are albino, not so. You can actually see their white strip. She was such a sweetheart. Than there is my pretty little panther. He was just so cute. Kind of look freaky in that picture though. Jacob and I got to pet the 18 month old Black Bear. He was pretty freaked out about it. I guess there is only 2 month in a year were they can have people pet the bears without them trying to eat people, wasn't that time of year so they had to distract her with a bottle. One of my favorite was this one with Jacob and the female Lion. She is just looking at him like he would be a great before dinner snack. Quiet funny.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

home, home on the range

Well the rest of our vacation went pretty well. I got some great pictures at the West Coast Game Park. Oh my goodness it was so great. It totally wasn't for Jacob it was for me. It was so funny, before we went in, Mark leans over to Jacob and says, "Now you watch her face when she gets in there and you will understand how much she loves animals." So we walk in and Jacob's mouth drops and he says to Mark, "wow dad I always though she was just talking big when she talked about bringing all these animals home with her, but she is serious isn't she? She would really have all the animals she could bring home huh?" Set Mark into belly rolling laughter. Oh I just had so much fun. I got some great pictures too, but I haven't had the time to get them on the computer. So I will have to do that some time tomorrow and put some on here. They are great.
Friday Susan and I are taking the kids to Discovery Village. Get them wound up and tuckered out. Mark's dad comes into town on Friday evening, so we will have to go see him. Not sure if his step mom is coming this time or not. He has yet again more doctors appointments. Poor guy.
I love Craigs list. I have gotten rid of so much stuff from using that website. Today I sold a camcorder. Have had it for years and years and have used it twice maybe three times. Just silly. I am so tired of junk! I am on a clutter killing spree.

Friday, August 10, 2007

just a little grip

I can't believe it, just two weeks after I got called for Jury duty, and after them telling me that they can't call me again for 2 years, two weeks later they called me again. That is wrong with this picture. Mark and Memory have NEVER been called, and I am getting harrassed by them to go. HOW RUDE!

hardly surviving

So we are on our family's little outing. Man do I ever want to crawl into a cave with no light, no sound, no anything!!!!! I have finally found one of my migraine triggers. Strong scents. Maybe not all of them but there you go. Mark bought some insense the other week and left them in his car. We got in it to leave today and it was an almost instant migraine. By the time we got half way to our first destination I was feeling so sick that I had to pull over a few times because I thought I was going to throw up. Of course it has just gotten worse from there. Going to Oregon Coast Aquarium really didn't help at all. So here we are sitting at dads house with a terribly bored 7 year old, a 37 year old passed out on the futon and me wanting to go nuts because Mark wont wake up and take Jacob to Wal-mart to get a new movie so he can watch something. So I am going nuts because everything is getting out of hand waiting for Mark to get up. How that man can sleep so much and with so much noise is totally beyond me.
I must say though, we h ad a great time at Oregon Coast Aquarium. Jacob held my hand almost the whole time. He clung to me like cling wrap. Mark was pretty amazed by it too. Tomorrow should be interesting to see what happens. Tomorrow we are going down to West Coast Game Park Safari. I am way excited. I can't wait to see all those animals. Mark is scared that I am going to try and take them home. He is very worried about the Blank Panther.
So I am going to try to wake up the old man and try to get them to go out to find a movie.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Emotionally Drained

Oh it has been a very long week. My poor emotions are at their fragile end. Mark broke the window in his car trying to take it out to tint it. So he is driving my car. Well my car has something wrong with the brakes. I noticed that the brake light was coming on when I engaged the brakes, but didn't know what it meant. Well come to find out it means one of the pistons in the Master Cylinder going to the back brakes. So because of that it cuts off all power to the back brakes and only uses the front ones. NOT GOOD! So we have to fix that and also get the new window in Marks car before he can drive it. Why can't it just be one thing at a time?
Jacob is going to his mother's for two weeks on friday. Sad to say, but I am in some major need of time off. I love my little booger, I just can't handle the constant negativity about everything all day long every day. Which is why I am emotionally drained.
I am so excited. Harry Potter is coming out Saturday morning. I got my copy reserved and have to pick it up somewhere between Midnight and the end of business day Saturday in order to have it waiting for me. I know Brandon that you didn't like them, but I do. :P
We got a new alarm system put in. Started it on Friday and they finished it yesterday. I love it. It is so much better than our other one. Everytime the front and door to the garage are open it will tell me, and I have a little key chain thing like mom's. I can actually use it when Mark is at work. Our old one I couldn't. If you turned it on for staying at home, if you opened a door the alarm would just go off automaticely. So I never got to use it when I am home alone. Now I do and I feel a lot safer.... we all I know some major night and dark issues so hopefully this will help in that department. I just hope that the kitty cat doesn't set it off... it is suppose to be 40 pounds or over but we see how that worked with moms. I am very excited... I have to watch the darn dvd to figure out how to use it though.
Oh I had jury duty.... boy was that a waste of time. I don't know why but they never ever pick me. When I went in Washington County they didn't pick me, and they read my questioneer and said I could go home. I was there from 7:30 in the morning till 10 in the morning. That is how long it takes just to get that far... silly. So I am good for the next two years unless I want to do it.
Anyway I have got to go destress somehow.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another day gone

Man do I look ugly! I look like a snake shedding it's skin. Gross. That is what I get for getting sunburned I guess.
Great news. Jacobs front teeth are loose hehehehee. I am so excited. We have been bugging everyday to wiggle them. I am bound and determined that i get to rip one out with the string on a door. He likes that idea too. We were going to do that with his first tooth that he lost. Got the string on and everything and he tugged on it just to make sure the string wasn't going to come off the tooth and out popped the tooth. Broke my heart. Thank you Grandpa for warping me :)
I got more stuff on Craigslist today. Man am I on a getting rid of stuff spree. I am so tired to having stuff just laying around. Today I spent hours shreading papers that have been sitting in paperbags down stairs waiting for someone to do something with them. So I did it today. Oh my goodness I filled 5 paperbags with shreaded paper. And that was after stomping on it to make it fit more. The shreader finally had it with me and stopped working for a few hours because it just got used to much. I have tons of stuff I want to take to goodwill. Just need to figure out if other people are taking some stuff so I can take those if they don't. It feels so good to get it out of the way. A few weeks ago I made Mark go downstairs with me and go through some of his stuff that he hasn't seen for 15 years. 4 boxes got dwendled down to a shoebox. It just made me want to cry. I love doing this for other people but it makes me so sad to think that I am one of those people that has so much stuff that isn't used. Other people need it more than I do and I have it sitting here collecting dust doing nothing. I wonder when I let myself become this way and why I didn't notice.
Oh well I better get some sleep. Jacob is bound and determinded to have Victoria spend the night tomorrow. I don't think i am prepared for that just yet. But he really wants her to, or him over there, and he is trying to negociate with anything he can to get it to happen tomorrow. Sadly I will give in if I get enough sleep. Those two are so darn cute together. Earlier today they were watching Animaniacs sitting on the floor of the livingroom with Victoria in front of Jacob leaning against him and Jacob with his arms around her. Hmmmm, maybe I should be scared, but it was so darn cute.

Monday, July 9, 2007

So it has been a while. I had a kidney infection which is what kept me from writing. Not very pleasant.
Mark and I went camping this last weekend. It was so gorgeous. It is a river called Breitenbush River out east by Detroit Lake. It was wonderful. The water was clear and clean. Lots of masqitoes though. Speaking of which did you know that only the female masquitoes drink your blood. Interesting isn't it. Anyway, our camping spot was great. Long way from other camping spots and away from the road. Our new tent did great. Kept all the little creapy crawlies out. It is soooo big. I love it. It can be turned into 3 rooms. It is great. It is so easy to put up that one person can do it too. That is very helpful! I got to see a black bear that was crossing a very unpleasant dirt road. He was so cute. It is amazing they can run so fast when they look so clutzy running.
Mark and I didn't do anything for the 4th. Just stayed at home and hosed off the house and lawn.
We got Susan all moved a few weeks ago. Happy to have that done. I love the new place. Can't say I did much though. I mostly took care of the kids. We had a few very bad times though. Jacob almost drowned. I decided to take the kids swimming to get them out of everyone's way. I told Jacob that he needed to stay in the shallow end and showed him where he can't go past. Well he thinks he can swim, just because he can move himself while touching the bottom of the pool. So he thought he would not listen because he knew what he was doing and jumped into the deep end. Lets just say that made for some very unhappy people because I wouldn't let him back in after that. So I left the kids with Mark and went with Susan to go work on the old apartment. It was a great break.
Jacob went to his mothers for the 4th. He will be coming back this wednesday the 11th. He went to his grandmothers after his moms. So I gotta figure out fun stuff to do.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sorry Memory

So to answer Memory's question. What did I get for my birthday. I got the new God of War 2 playstation game. I know none of you would like it but you all would be amazed at the graffics on this thing. It is stunning and just amazing! Oh yeah and I got a new purse. Susan got me a military type game. hehehehe she knows me well! So there you go Mem, that is what I got.

Birthday fun/and sickness

Well the last few days have not been to fun for me. As most people know I have a kidney infection. My back is in so much pain because of it that most of the time it hurts just to breath. The antibiotics are just killing me. They make my stomach feel like something is sitting there twisting it in opposite directions. I unfortunatly believe that I am going to have to get on the medication more than a week. I am not looking forward to that if that be the case. My temp is getting dangerously close to having to go to the hospital. I have to give Mark hourly updates because he is so worried. I have to go to the hospital if it reaches 100 degrees. I just checked it and it was at 99.6 degrees. It is just sitting there trying to tease me.
To make me feel worse I feel just aweful watching kids when I am like this. I'm in so much pain and so sick from the medication that I have no patience for most of their challenges. I would seriously like to go find a very dark quiet cave where I can crawl into a little ball and escape reality until I feel better. Not going to happen but it is such a lovely thought.
So anyway on a happier note. Dad, Mark said you would be so proud of him for what he did yesterday. So the boys came home from camping. Got everything put away and we decided to go out to dinner for my birthday. Mark suggested the Roadhouse. I was craving cow so sounded great to me. But I knew he was up to something because of the look on his face but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. So we get there, and those to boys of mine were sitting there wispering to each other. So when our waitress comes up to ask if we want dessert or anything Jacob bursts out that it is my birthday. Than it hit me where we were and what they do to you. They get all of the waiters and waitresses, put a toilet seat cover around your neck and a coffee filter on your head, they yell for everyones attention in the resturant and than sing to you. So embarrassing. Granted it didn't beat the Who song and Larry's on, but I don't think anything could do that. Mark was so proud of himself and Jacob was so excited that he got to be a part of it and embarress me. Although he was scared that he wouldn't get his surprise that I got him while he was gone camping. Silly boy. All in all, a nice birthday. Didn't do much except for go a few places with Susan when she came over and dinner. That was it. The rest of the time I was lazy because I didn't want to move and bring pain to me.
So all be proud of Mark that he got me. We had gone there a few months ago and it was someones birthday. He at that time threatened to take me there for it and I totally forgot. I don't think I will be doing that one again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What a day

Wow talk about hot out. Although it wasn't to bad if you weren't out in it. I took Jacob to the park today because he wanted to go play baseball. Of course we silly little ones went at the top heat of the day. Smart move I tell you. We both could only stand to play for about half an hour. I don't know what he was complaining about. I was the one having to go retreive his balls when he hit them a long way. It amazes me how great he is at baseball. With a little help and discipline he would make a great one. He can hit those balls so far. His only down fall is getting frusterated after missing a couple hits. I really hope he plays in school when he gets older. I think it would be a great outlet for him.
Yesterday he fell off of his Razor and took all the skin off of his knee. Today he fell off of his skateboard and took all the skin off of his elbow. He bruised it pretty badly too. It is still swollen and icky looking. I told him I am going to have to get a membership with the local hospital so everytime he hurts himself he can just go have new skin made for whatever he hurt. He thought that was funny and made him stop crying.
Camping is more than likely going to be canceled for the weekend. It is suppose to rain, which the last time they went it ended up raining and wasn't fun for either one of them. That is alright. Susan said she would watch him so we can go out to dinner or something. Very nice of Susan. THANK YOU! I already got my birthday presants. :) Silly me couldn't wait for them. Sometimes I have no patience.
So in short today was a good day with Jacob. We had fun, did lots of fun stuff and only had 2 meltdowns. It was the best we have had so far and it has only been 4 days since we picked him up. Today helped my blood pressure level go down. Very good for me.
So now I am going to go play my birthday presant.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Jacob's hair

Mark is very proud of the job he did on Jacob's hair. I just found the picture so I thought I would share it. I don't like it than again I don't like mohawks on anyone children more so. I have to admit one this, that kid has a great shaped head! One of the pictures is with Jacob and his first fish. He caught it, and wasn't happy that it was to small and he had to throw it back. But he was pretty proud of himself that he caught it all on his own.

Day after Father's Day

Well it is the beginning of the summer. Which means we have Jacob. Yeah! We barely got through yesterday in tact. Unfortunatly Daddies day was pretty much ruined within the first couple hours of being up. Some of it was salvaged. We went over to Mark's brother's house to have dinner and play games with his dad, stepmom, and grandparents. His father had to come back to town to have some more tests run from when he had something wrong with his spinal cord. In the end we had a very good time there and Jacob did very well. We were pleased.
I am getting them ready to go camping this weekend so I can have a quiet birthday weekend. Well some what quiet since I am going to go out with Susan. It should be nice though. I am looking forward to it. The summers are very difficult with all the changing and everything Jacob has to go through. Never a fun thing for any of us.
We are planning on a family outing the weekend before the 4th of July. We are hoping it will give him something to look farward to.
Well I have to get dinner going and feed mister hungry. I will have to take pictures on our family outing and get them on here for everyone.