Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oh this is to exciting for me. When Jacob lost his first tooth he was with us. I had talked him into letting me tie something around his tooth to tie it to a door knob to yank it out. I know what some of you guys are thinking. Oh dear she is just like grandpa. YEP! So we got the string tied around the tooth and he just gave it 3 little light tugs to make sure it wasn't going to hurt and it popped out by itself. Totally bummed me out because I wanted to warp someone like Grandpa had warped me. Well this last weekend that he was here one of his front teeth was really really loose. So I talked him into just letting me wiggle it and I grabbed a hold of it and just yanked it out. It was SOOOO EXCITING! So now our little guy has one front tooth gone and the other is loose as well. So I am hoping that this next weekend that he is here it will be loose enough to yank out again.

Well we got the new window in. We started with the bathroom window just so we would know how hard it would be and all that good stuff. It was pretty darn easy! So it is in and done. That is also so exciting. Now we just have to do the rest of them. Not so exciting to do them all but what are you going to do?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Finally finished

We are finally done. The fireplace that we have been working on for ever is complete. I can't tell you how excited I was. Now our living room doesn't look like is half finished. It is so great.

Mark is very excited, he is building a boat. He has been working on it most chances he can get inbetween my car and a few other things. Sunday while he was working on it I was at the back of the house working on window sills. He comes over and tells me that I need to come look in the garage. He is all upset and I can't even imagine what happened. I thought he totally goofed up on something he was cutting for the boat, because he was at the time using the table saw. So I go in there and I'm looking around not seeing anything. Till he points it out. On the back wall of the garage is a long piece of wood sticking out of the wall. I was shocked and outrageously thankful that he didn't get hurt. I guess when he was cutting a piece of wood, he had a throwback. Basically the blade catches hold of what you are cutting and sends it shooting backward. Now to give you an idea of how dangerous this is and how fast it goes, this piece of wood went through 2 sheets of sheetrock and two layers of plaster. Anyone how has tried to put something into a wall made out of plaster knows it is hard stuff. It finally stoped on the outside of our bedroom wall. Didn't make it through to our bedroom. Now the silly man isn't upset at the thought that he could have gotten hurt, or about having to patch up the wall. Oh no, he is upset because the piece of wood went through his Volkswagen picture. Of all things to be upset about he is upset that it went through a picture. I took pictures so you will see. Talk about scary though.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Camping weekend

So my boys went camping this weekend. Mark drove all the way up to Aberdeen, Washington to pick Jacob up from school. Boy was he excited. They went down to the Nehalem River for the camping. Jacob caught his first keeper fish. A rainbow trout. He of course wanted to keep it and take it home for it to be a pet! Cute huh? Mark had to explain to him the cycle of life and how he either had to throw it back or eat it. So he decided he wanted to eat it.... but he didn't like it. Can't blame him as I don't like trout either. So Mark eat most of it and threw the rest with the guts back into the river. I guess when Mark was gutting it Jacob went kind of white and said that was gross enough to make him throw up. But he didn't! I am glad they had a good time.
I got a nice quiet weekend, mostly. I got the cleaver idea that I wanted bangs.... so I cut me some bangs. WOOHOO, no more curly Q's as Mark likes to call them. Of course I went to go straighten them out with the big fat curling iron Danica gave me years ago and what do I do? BURN myself!!! Now I have this huge burn mark on my forehead. Of course that was the first thing Mark noticed when he got home after dropping Jacob off, was the burn not the bangs. I had to tell him that I had them before he even realized it. What a goof.
Tomorrow granted that I can get myself in gear I get the pleasure of going down to the DMV to get new tags, and to change my name on my title. OOOPS Yes I still have yet to do that even though it has been over a year since I changed my name. What can I say. I just hope they don't realize it!
Today I finally finished our mantel. Now today was the 3rd time I have had to sand this thing down! The first was because Mark didn't sand it enough so there was still paint in the grain. So I had to sand the whole thing. Then he fills in the wholes for the nails with wood filler stuff that is stainable. Well you aren't suppose to get it on the surface of the wood. He didn't read that. So where it soaked into the surface it left this big light spot when he stained it again. So yet again I have to sand it. This time it was only the sides and the bottom as there are no nails in the top. So I did that today. STUPID! It was so hot here I was sweating like a pig, and what do you get when you are sticky from sweating and you have sawdust flying everywhere? You get a person who looks like they were tared and than had sawdust dumped on them. It was gross. None the less I got it done, and I even stained it so it would be ready to put the poly coat over it in a few days. So oh my goodness after nearly 2 years of having the fireplace ripped apart and sitting there waiting to get done... it is almost there!!!!! So memory when you say that it takes Michael so long to do projects after starting them.... well there you go you aren't the only one that deals with that kind of thing. Most of our projects take forever. Heck we haven't even finished the patio yet... and that was 3 1/2 years ago. So sad. But I feel better now that it is almost done and that I won't have to worry about it anymore. Than we are going to have to have family dinner over here so everyone can see it since mostly nobody has.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Little bit of advice

My advice for the day is: Make sure you know what you are getting into. :) So we had people from Penguin windows come out and give a great spiel. We really liked their windows so we figured we would get them. Fortunately you have 3 business days to back out of the deal. Which of course we had to do because Mark realized that he didn't want to pay that much for them and that we can order ones almost as good and do it ourselves. That I am not much looking forward to! So we figured out, before Penguin windows came along, that we were going to take out a home equity loan so we can do the windows, siding, and the kitchen. Have it all done and not have to worry about it. Than we had the spiel with Penguin windows. Now mind you we were going to take out about 10 grand for all this. Well we wouldn't have been able to do anything but the windows if we did this because it was WELL over 10 grand. So now we are back to doing everything and doing it ourselves. Still not looking forward to that, but it would be nice to have everything done instead of paying for the next 10 years for windows. So make sure you look at different options before you make up your mind. It is never a bad idea to take the time out to compare to ALL of the competition.
The start of my school year has been very peaceful. I have finally gotten back to my cross stitching. I haven't worked on that in months. Feels good to get to it. All is well with us, both of us are doing good. Can't complain at the moment.