Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well if I was excited for 2007 to end, I am going to be jumping for joy when January ends. Holy crap what a week! Lets start off with the first one. Months ago I noticed that it was getting real hard for me to drive at night. I couldn't focus on anything, and my headaches were making me so light sensitive it made me want to pull over to the side of the road and crawl into a little ball until there were no cars left. Well last weekend (the 12th) Jacob went and got a new video game. So of course like them all we wouldn't let him play it until we did (mostly me because mark doesn't understand newer ones). So that night I put in the Harry Potter game and start playing. There is a ton of stuff you have to read. I couldn't read any of it!!! All of it was so blurry. I figured it was just the font they had used that made it all blur together. But no! Mark could read it just fine. So I finally decided to go get my eyes checked. Low and behold I am near sighted.... is that the one where you can't see far away? I can't remember... I can't see far away, so I have to get glasses. Mark is all sorts of excited and wont let me go pick them out myself because he thinks I am going to get the plain ol ones instead of the funky colorful ones like he thinks I can get away with. So Friday we went and got the glasses picked out, and got them ordered. Takes about a week she said. Marks came a little quicker than that but I think only by a day or so. I am hoping that they will be in on Thursday. It isn't like it is a hard prescription. I don't have astigmatism...however that is spelled, and they aren't really that bad. So that is done and over with and now it is just waiting for the glasses to come in and hope I don't drill a hole through my eyes to relieve the constant pain they are putting me through.
So after the glasses, I decided I just want to scope out how much new couches are. I have never in my life bought one, and nor has Mark. He has always had hand me downs, and I had Danica's hand me down that she made me promise not to try to give back to her when I was done. So we went to Ashley's Furniture. Stupid of me really. I fell in love. Now mind you. On the couch we have, it's about 10 years old, the stains will no longer come out, the cushions NEVER stay in place, the pipping on the cushions has poked through the fabric and sticking out all over the place. It is just so sad. So I fell in love with the microfiber, Sage, oh so nice couch. The back cushions are attached, but they have a zipper so you can fluff the stuffing and that stuff, along with the arms. The bottom cushions have Velcro so they don't shift around. It is just so nice. So now I can finally make it mandatory that there be no eating in the living room what so ever by anyone (MARK!) no matter what! I am so excited. I hate having to clean up the messing from eating in there, and it just isn't what we grew up with and it drive me nuts!
So there is the glasses, the sofa, and than today. Susan and I went to the beach. There is this Glass blowing business, that you can pay them and you can make your own glass float. You can't do everything yourself mind you. It was soooo fun! My float is pink and green and is going to go on our fireplace. The lady that was doing it was me was so nice. She stood there and explained what I was doing and why I was doing it, and why it is done that way. They try not to have to do stuff for you, unless it looks like you need it or your younger. It was just an awesome thing to get to do. I would recommend it for someone who has the money to spend on it and likes blown glass stuff. Well worth it. So because it has to cool in a special kiln you can't pick it up till the next day because it takes 18 hours to cool. so it is going to be shipped here. If it breaks on the way here, they will either make me a new one or I get to go back and free of charge I get to make another one. Ohhh shucks. If you want the places information just let me know. I am telling you well worth it. I will get pictures up when I get them from Susan since she was the one taking them.
So that was my adventurous week. Glad it is over tomorrow.