Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pictures from trip

This is Bruce the Moose, isn't he just so cute!

This is a sign in Downtown Anchorage, I thought it was cool it has a ton of different places on it and tells you how far away and which direction they are in. This is just one side of it.

This is a picture of the mountains off the back of the boat we were on for our cruise. Beautiful!

This sign just killed me... well all these signs. They are everywhere! I can just see someone looking at the mountains while they are driving along and seeing an avalanche and having to stop because it is so cool and they want to watch it. So I thought it was funny that they have to put up signs for people not to do it. From what I heard, it doesn't make them any less stupid and they still stop. There are a few deaths a year because of it.

Marci, Elijah (Marci's son) and I before boarding our pretty boat to go on the cruise.

Ft. Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base from up on Artic Valley. Isn't it great!

Elijah loved that killer whale. He really wanted to see one on our cruise.

This is one of two Bald Eagles that the Air Force base has taken in. This one doesn't have one of it's wings. They found them both on base and took them in. I don't remember what is wrong with the other one.

My trip

Well as good as it is to be home, I had a GREAT time in Alaska. It is so amazingly beautiful there. Mountains EVERYWHERE! Not the distant mountains we have here, but close ones. Go figure that the day I get there, my little monthly friend starts. It was suppose to yet, so I assume it had something to do with flying. The man I sat next to on the way there was so great. He was telling me what I should go see, and what to do if I am chased by a moose. He was just hysterical. Really made the 4 hours go by much quicker. Oh and just so you know if you are ever being chased by a moose, run in circles or around a tree because they can't turn real well or quickly and they will eventually get tired of you and leave. Helpful advice.

We went on a cruise out of Seward. That is about 2 1/2 hours away from Anchorage. It was soooo great. We saw Sea lions, and Otters, tons and tons of Bald eagles, Mountain Goats man are they crazy, they were going up a cliff that was almost straight up and down. We saw porpoises, couldn't get a picture of them because those little buggers are so fast. Darn cute though. They love to play.

We spent tons of time on base. Boy was I soooo not going to argue with that one. :) Anyone who knows me knows I have a huge weakness for military uniforms. It was great, one of the days we were on base, we missed our turn and going by the runway, and jets were landing. Now there are signs telling you to slow down and stop when you see a plane coming because they get VERY close. Here is a picture to show how close they get to the road.

We went to hockey games. Those were great. I am amazed that I didn't lose my voice after those. We drove up Artic Valley. You can see both the Air force and Army base and the whole town of Anchorage from up there. It was amazing. Took her son to ice skating practices. Those were great. All these little kids on ice skates in full hockey get ups. It was so darned adorable. We went to the zoo. Oh the polar bears seemed so happy. It was so much different from the one in Portland. There is no paved sidewalks.... there tons of bridges going over water. It was really pretty. Of course one of the main reasons I went there, her ultrasound appointment. It's another boy. She is so very happy about that. I don't think she would know what to do with a girl. :) Why is it always people that already have boys don't know what to do if they had a girl? Always curious about that. She is hoping I can go back up there after her baby is born. As much as I would love to, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be pregnant by than and wont be able to go. Not cause I don't want to just because I wanna get pregnant darn it all. Oh yeah and we went to the Reindeer farm where I got to see oh soooo cute little baby Caribou and got to feed Bruce the Moose. He was sooo cute.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Well, I am here in Anchorage, Alaska. It is so amazingly beautiful! There are mountains everywhere!!!!! We went on a cruise yesterday. It was awesome. Poor Marci got soooo sick. She gets sea sick as it is, just not usually bad enough to throw up, but she did yesterday. Probably because she is pregnant. We have done lots of shopping. She has shown me some interesting places. We have been to base a whole bunch of times. Went shopping there. They have a px on the air force base. The Air force and Army bases are right next to each other. We have been having tons of fun. I am oh so extremely homesick. I have never in my life been homesick before. It really sucks. This was always Danica's territory. Whenever I went somewhere it was always hard for me to go back home because I loved seeing new places. I almost have sympathy for Danica, except she ruined some of my summers so I don't feel so bad for her :) Just Kidding. I have a new found understanding for how she felts/feels. I shall no longer make fun of her for it.... or at least try too.
So I have 4 more days of my vacation, and an extra suitcase coming home with me. It is going to be sucky having to unpack 3 suitcases when I get home. Silly me packed to much stuff when I left so I didn't really have much room to pack extra stuff in them. So Marci had a few odd suitcases she has been meaning to get rid of, so she gave one to mee. Sad but true.
Ok well gotta run. more when i get home