Friday, April 18, 2008

So very proud of myself

I'm a proud puppy with myself right now. :) Let me tell you why. The beginning of the week, I finally got it in my head that I really need to hem up my pants. You know when your pants hang past your toes it isn't a good thing. That and holding them up with saftey pins is kind of a fashion no no. Well they turned out totally even! I was so happy. Than Thursday I decided I needed new clothes to go to Alaska. So I went to JcPenny. Well we! Everyone knows that Mark has better taste in clothes than I do. I didn't even know it but they were having a great sale. Buy 1 and get the second for 88 cents!!!!!! HELLO! So I walked out with 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts. I saved almost as much as I spent. I spent just barely over 100 dollars and saved $98! WOW! That made me super proud of myself too. So after we got home from some other running around, I decided after washing the new clothes that I needed to hem the new pants and the rest of mine, minus the one pair that mom already did for me. THANK YOU MOMMY! I did 5, yes 5, pairs of pants yesterday. All of them were even and just the length I wanted them. I tell you hemming is hard work. So now all my pants actually fit and don't drag on the ground or aren't being held up off the ground by saftey pins. Wooohooo ME!
So I am getting oh so excited to go to Alaska. I leave in 1 week and 2 days. Even though I hate flying in big planes... which I am trying to not think about. I have half of my stuff packed already hehehehe I just couldn't help it. I am still trying to decide what shoes to take. Mark keeps laughing at me for how much I plan on packing. He is a total guy packer... where as I am a total girl packer. I am going to be gone 12 days, that requires a lot of stuff!
Oh my shoe delimea. So my shoes for quite some time have been in a big heaping pile on our closet floor. Just wasn't working for me. So I asked Mark if there was anyway that he could make something for them. But everything we thought of just wasn't going to work because I had A) way to many shoes for it and B) was just going to cost to much. So I went on line to look for shoe racks that would hold as many as I needed. There weren't many choices! There were only like 2 stand up racks that hold 50 and than over the door racks or ones that you put on your hanger rod in the closet. Don't like either of those ones. So I looked at the container stores website. BOOM, I feel in love! They have shoe boxes that are clear, plastic boxes. I just had to have them. So now all my shoes are in boxes in a nice neat stack in the closet. Mark thinks I went a little insane by labeling them with what shoes are in them. :) I have some pretty funny names for my shoes. It is just so great and organized it makes me smile when I see them instead of want to cry.
So there you go. I am just so darned happy with myself. Sometimes I amaze myself.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm horrible

Am I just totally horrible at this or what? Ok not quiet as bad as Danica but nowhere near as great as Memory. Oh well, life goes on. So my little float box that Mark made for me, got another addition to it. He made a bottom for it to put a light in. So now it glows. I will so have to take a picture of it. It's just awesome.
I talked to a long lost friend the other day. It was so great. We haven't talked in like 8 years or so. We were on the phone for about 3 hours. During the three hours the weather just went nuts. It was sunny, than started raining. Went back to sunny than all of a sudden started hailing. Than to rain, sun, hail and snow. It was just kind of creepy. It was just again so great to catch up with Marci. I have missed her.
I bought two new pairs of shoes this last couple weeks. :) Anyone who knows me knows I have a HORRIBLE shoe fetish. I just can't help myself. I will have to put pic's of them up to because Memory wanted to see them. They are just GREAT. The sad part is I have been in so much pain from the medication I have to take before I take the fertility medication that I have been in no shape what so ever to A) want to get all cute so I can wear them and B) go anywhere but the sofa and bathroom. So hopefully soon I will be able to wear them.
Besides that my life is kind of uneventful right now. Jacob is here for Spring Break. He spent the first few days with his Grandma and Grandpa in Beaverton and came here on Tuesday. He has been SOOOOOO good! We have only had one minor meltdown that lasted only a few minutes and that was that. It is soooo nice. Tomorrow Mark is taking Jacob and Victoria to Silverfalls to hike and stuff so that I can stay home and veg. I start clomid tomorrow so it shouldn't be a pretty picture. What a great husband! So cross all those fingers, toes and eyes that this time the Clomid will work because I don't want to have to go on a higher dose again!!!!